Monday, December 15, 2008

12/15/2008: Ultrasound picture

Nothing fancy about this post. Just thought I'd upload an ultrasound picture. This is from December 8th, when we were able to get confirmation of a heartbeat. Must be pretty exciting to be inside a uterus. Baby's heart rate is approximately 140 bpm. Photogenic little kid, wouldn't you say? So the baby is identified by the arrow. Inside the same sac-like structure is also a little circle (upper right). This is how the baby gets its nutrition. Interesting...


How to Succeed in Middle School said...

Wahoo! I will follow the blog faithfully :) Very excited for you two! - Katie

Nicole said...

WHAT?!?!? I just randomly check facebook to find you have a blog AND you're expecting?!?! Congrats!!!
- Nicole