Being a baby must be great, though I can't claim to know for sure as I don't remember much about my first year of life. I also don't remember a lot about my early years, a fact that my parents tease me about relentlessly, but that's another story for another day. There have been many a day over Katie's first ten and a half months where I have looked at her with, in addition to love, adoration, and happiness, just a hint of envy. Here now, my top ten reasons Katie, and all you babies out there, have it so good:
10) Life revolves around playtime, naps, feedings, and assorted adventures. No responsibility. You just have to "be".
9) "No!"? What does that mean? I don't even know words yet... Or do I??? Hahahahahahaha!
8) Someone, be it Mom, Dad, grandparents, or whoever, will cater to your every need. All you have to do is cry those big, beautiful baby tears…
7) When you're eating and you don't want anymore, it's perfectly acceptable to smash your food, rub it all over the tray, even pick it up and drop it on the floor. Side note: your dogs will love you forever because of this.
6) Don't like what someone just gave you to eat, spit it out. That'll teach them to try that again...
5) You can pee and poop whenever and wherever you want and it's O-K-A-Y. Sure you have to wear a diaper, but oh, the freedom! Yes, some adults have this benefit too (and I'm not just talking about our more senior friends, think Lisa Nowak), but I'm not going there. I'm not old yet, nor am I a lovesick astronaut.*
4) Adults, especially parents, are so easily amused. Smile, giggle, make funny noises, squeal with delight - all of these will get you the attention you want, and deserve! After all, everything is cute when you’re a baby...
3) If you don't like what someone has done to you, given you to eat or play with, throw it away, cry, wave your arms, scream. Let them know how you really feel. I’m going to remember that one next time someone on my team turns in a deliverable that doesn’t meet my standards…
2) Whenever you fall down and bump your head, get a scratch or other serious “boo-boo”, crawl into the nearest lap and all will be right with the world. Mommy and Daddy rule!
And my number one reason babies have it so good…
1) Everything is new. I think this is different from life as adults, where we encounter new things on a regular basis but are able to make associations to other things we know. Babies have no previous frame of reference and there is sheer excitement and exhilaration on a regular basis as they encounter so many "firsts"...
* Speaking of diapers, a quick funny. My Dad, when he turned 50, decided that was his limit. Since then he's begun counting backwards on his birthdays, going from 50 to 49, to 48, ... We joke that by the time he gets back to 0, it'll be just like he's a baby again, gumming food, wearing diapers, etc. So when I titled this entry "Oh to be a baby again", I guess we'll all get there someday. And before you think me a mean son for saying this about my Dad, note that he came up with this all on his own. I just went along for the ride.
My Dad, the comedian...
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